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Mentors & Coaches Can Change Your Life

I just read an epic Michael Jordan quote...

“My best skill was that I was coachable. I was a sponge and aggressive to learn.”

I can relate to this so much… I would say my BEST skill is that I am coachable.

(This is kind of a personal story from one of our Coaches)

Skiing. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing but I showed up at Tuesday Night Training at Glen Eden Ski Hill a number of years ago. This was a friendly adult racing club. Now when I say I had no idea what I was doing that was really the truth. Adam was coaching snow boarding and I had been to the hill with him a few nights. I saw the adults and thought I could do that!! Now I did not even start skiing until my 20s. And even then I went 3 times a winter. Just before I joined this group I had been out west and gained some confidence.

Before this Tuesday group

I had never been on a race course

I didn’t even know that there were different types of skis

I didn’t even really know how to ski


I went anyways

I practiced a few times and then

There was an opening to go to a Master’s Ski race. At that time it was done in teams. And they needed 5 women or they would lose points. So at the encouragement of Wally I signed up

The team said all you have to do is make it down the course

I literally SNOW PLOWED down the entire race course

And I must have looked ridiculous but I didn’t even know how bad I was

Until…….they showed a video of the race at the after party. I thought I was racing but I really looked like a stiff Grandma sliding down the course

Funny I kept going to the training. Wally and Mike encouraged me.

And then Coaches Rick & John helped me to actually learn how to ski. They gave me tips every day. Helped me learn some ski technique. I gained confidence and although I never won anything I at least could make it down in a decent time.

Fast forward to Holimont. We joined Holimont around 10 years ago. By that point I was a decent skier. Not a great racer but I could ski well enough to look like I knew what I was doing on the hill

I joined the adult racing program. Again, the coaches were so helpful, kind, encouraging. They always made everyone feel like they should be there. No matter the ski level they worked with the person at their own level. Giving them tips to help them get to the next step.

When you try to reach a new level whether that is in your business or personal life a Coach or a Mentor is crucial.

Here’s some of the top reasons you need a Coach or a Mentor at all times…

1. They will set you on the right path… as long as you ACTION their advice.

2. They buy you Knowledge, Speed, Relationships and Accountability…. 4 things you can’t get going at it alone.

3. They help you define your struggles. They help you see where you are getting off track and then set you back on a better path

4. They will sequence your steps in the right order… a good mentor has ONE job… to tell you what to do NEXT.

5. A good mentor will oversee HOW you’re implementing… Just like in the gym, It doesn’t matter how many reps you do… if you lack form and don’t do the best exercises.

6. They will be there when you fall and help you to get back up and keep going


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