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Do you struggle with keeping yourself accountable?

Writer's picture: Marcy VerburgMarcy Verburg

We hear people say

They are really worried that they wont stick to something. They are worried they will let themselves down or let me down

They always sign up for gym Memberships & don’t go

We often hear things like this from people considering my coaching program.

Here are some of the most common reasons why people just can't keep themselves accountable and what to do to change it

1. You don’t feel the pressure of a deadline.

So you may or may not do well with deadlines. Some people thrive with a deadline & some people falter. Its good to have a timeline in mind for the end game (like losing 50 pounds for example). But if you save it all up & just stare at that huge deadline it becomes daunting & its easy to just say there is no way I can do that

The solution?

Break that BIG goal into small manageable pieces. Take running for example. If you have a route that has say 10 hills & you think “I have to run 10 hills today” it may seem like way too much, it causes you stress & then you give up.

If you look at each hill & say I can do this 1 hill today then there is a way better chance that you can make it up that one hill. Then when you get to the next you can say ok 1 more hill.

Same thing with making lifestyle of fitness changes

  • Can you do 1 situp?

  • Can you give up 1 glass of wine or beer?

  • Can you walk 1 flight of stairs?

Yes you can. And then you do it again and again & the small changes add up. Rinse & repeat

Another reason you can’t hold yourself accountable?

2. Clarity

You aren’t really clear on what to do to get the results that you want.

You actually may not even know what you want or there may be so many things you want to accomplish that you don’t even know where to start

That’s me. I take on tonnes of projects & extra curriculars & volunteer stuff. I have a huge capacity for work but I also just take on too many things

You need to focus on only the most important

I ask people to choose their most important tasks. You get a maximum of 3 at one time. These are your priorities. OK maybe not forever but for today and tomorrow.

What is your most important task tooday? Do it first. No matter what.

If you need to accomplish 3 things today what are they?

Hint: your health is not a chore & you should not feel guilty about doing something for yourself

Another reason?

3. You don’t have someone to check-in with.

To help keep you accountable. An accountability partner. A Coach. A journal. Some people thrive when they have someone to check in with. Some people need someone else to keep them focused on their main goals. I know that I do

One more-

4. They can’t get past the suck. HMM?

Yes, many things we have to do in life suck. Like getting that presentation done for your boss. Like going to the gym. Like making phone calls if you are an introvert. Like doing taxes.

Sometimes you have to embrace the suck. (That’s what my Coach told me)

So here are your solutions to not holding yourself accountable

>Do something once. See how it feels. Do it twice.

>Figure out your most important tasks. Only 3. Then do those first each day.

>Get an accountability person in your life

>Embrace the suck

If this is something you struggle with I would love to hear more about it in the comments below. Tell us your story

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