Meet Joseph.
He is a father. A Man. He wants to become the best version of himself. A powerful, confident, active man that supports his family and is active in the community. Who has energy to Coach soccer, make dinner and go on date night
But he does not feel that way right now.
He feels sluggish. Tired of being in the house. Like he has gained a bunch of c@v$@ pounds. He feels like his partner is not gazing at him with stars in their eyes. He feels like he is not being the best role model he can be.
Many men we have worked with feel like they need to look amazing before they can workout with their partner
They look at their own physique
They want to be a shining example of male sexiness, a muscular gentleman so to speak
If they take their partner to the gym to workout together, they want to look their best. They don’t want their partner to see their belly flab hanging out when they do planks (if they can do them).
They want to walk in the gym and know how to use all the equipment. To lift heavy. To be able to show their partner what to do
Now take Kim
She loves her partner. She knows that he has gained some weight but she does not see him as less appealing
She feels tired and anxious from the past two years. She feels worn down
But she knows that working out will help bring back that energy
And deep down she knows that her partner really needs to get to the gym
Its about his health. She knows that he would benefit from working out
He is worried that she won't want to go to the gym with him
But she would love to go with him
If they workout as a couple:
They will have good quality time together. It can be like their date night that happens 3 times a week instead of never
They support each other and can encourage each other and be each other’s accountability partner
They will actually perform better. Research shows that they will try harder and pay more attention to their form and execution.
They will eat better and maybe drink less..because now they are in the gym together not watching Netflix
They will work as a team
They will most likely have a better sex life