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How to start simplifying life for a better 2023

{SIMPLIFYING LIFE} With the way the last few years have gone we are feeling tired, worn out, stressed and maybe even demotivated

But this is the time of year to reorganize our lives, declutter, and get set up to meet next years goals

How do we get the ENERGY for that?

Did you know that all of the messes in the background are likely taking up precious brain space and preventing us from doing what we really want and need to do?

It’s funny I was just reading about this topic on another blog. Ok so that prompted me to write this

But they were just giving all the typical things one should do to clear their clutter. Topline stuff that everyone knows they should do. Clean the closet. Remove some apps from your phone. Get rid of emails. (IF you are like me you will NEVER get rid of your email so there is not even a point in trying lol)

I REALLY do think we need to reorganize and reprioritize what our focus is

And I know that we need to declutter our minds and get rid of things that are causing stress

You could start by writing down the TOP 10 THINGS THAT CAUSE YOU STRESS. And I they don’t need to be big (of course they can be) For example, the mess in the kitchen after everyone leaves in the morning drives me crazy But the post covid pile of letters xxx makes me sweat Receiving piles of mail daily is also annoying

(ACTION ITEMS) So let’s start with our brains 1. Do a brain dump a

nd write down anything that you feel like you will forget then put it on a calendar 2. Write down your top 10 stress causers and think about how to deal with them one at a time (small things go on here if they are an issue) 3. Write down the top 5 things you want to focus on next year. These can be personal, business, family etc 4. If your home is cluttered start using the tips below 5. If your work space is cluttered commit to 10 minutes per day from now until the holidays to remove apps, clean your desk, clean your calendar, sign up for automated payments and online statements, unsubscribe from emails 6. Take at least 10 minutes per day to just sit and think. Stop running around. And multitasking. Do a stretch or meditation. Or just sit there and look out the window. Let your self just feel centred.

In terms of the clutter we can think in the way that Marie Kondo advises. She is the expert so I am literally copying her top tips here:


Marie Kondo has six basic KonMari tidying rules so that you can organize like her.

They are:

1. COMMIT YOURSELF TO TIDYING UP This means setting aside time and space to tackle a tidying job and then committing to complete it.

2. IMAGINE YOUR IDEAL LIFESTYLE Marie really focusses past the decluttering job itself and asks you to consider how positive you will feel once its done. It does make it easier to start!

3. FINISH DISCARDING FIRST She suggests that the sorting through and discarding part of the decluttering should be done all at once. Then you can move on to sorting. Marie Kondo does suggest you thank each item you discard for serving its purpose, but we're happy to skip that bit...

4. TIDY BY CATEGORY, NOT LOCATION Simple: tidy all your Tupperware first, then move on to cutlery, then to china (and so on).

5. FOLLOW THE RIGHT ORDER Sticking to the plan is the key to success but Marie Kondo also suggests orderliness in the actual tidying away of items – and is insistent that the best approach is to make things we use regularly or like to see on display are very much to hand, while items we don't need often are stored in a less convenient place, purely because we don't need them as often.

6. ASK YOURSELF IT IT SPARKS JOY Having trouble parting with something? It's a good way to work out whether you really want to keep it. And if a room – or corner of a – really doesn't spark joy, that's a good starting point for your rethink.

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