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How to Get Rid of the Jiggles

Have you ever thought about buying the latest cellulite cream or spending a fortune on an expensive cosmetic procedure? Or even just resigned and given up?

Most women say that one of their top goals is to get rid of the “jigglies”. On their thighs, stomachs and butts. And anyone at any weight can have cellulite. You don’t have to be overweight. About 90% of women are affected at some point in their life.

And this makes it a huge market-there are so many products available to fight cellulite-how do you know what works & what is a gimmick?

Want to get rid of the jiggles? Here are our top tips.

Where does this stuff come from?

It’s made up of fat deposits that position themselves between connective tissue and the skin creating a lumpy appearance. There are actually 3 “grades” of cellulite.

Doctors say that the weaker your connective tissues the more likely that the fatty lumpy cellulite will push through and be seen under the skin. Women tend to have more fat deposits and then tend to have weaker connective tissues. But these connective tissues can be made stronger.

Cellulite can be reduced with at home remedies, diet & exercise

Here is how you can successfully get rid of that stubborn cellulite

Home are some home based approaches that Dermatologists say work:

1. Dry Brush-experts say that using a dry brush on your skin twice a week can really help.

It increases circulation, helps remove toxins (that are stored in fat) & exfoliates the skin

Do the dry brushing before a shower or bath. Start at the feet and work your way up using circular strokes. Be sure to brush in a clockwise direction on the stomach.

2. Lymphatic Massage. There was a research study done that found that 13/14 people were happy with the results of these massages and liked their appearances better. You can go to an RMT for this.

OR you can do it yourself at home yourself. The key is to do the massage consistently.

There are creams that can help with the cellulite but a lot of dermatologists say that its more about the massage that goes along with the cream than the cream itself. So, if you want to try the creams you don’t have to get the most expensive ones. Just be sure to massage along with applying it.


3. Make sure that you are eating foods that help promote lean healthiness and not a toxic environment. Avoid the obvious such as high fat and high sugar processed foods-these really contribute to cellulite. More sugary donuts could mean more cellulite.

4. Eat good fats. Things like fish oil, fatty fish

And when choosing fat rich foods choose organic. While I don’t buy a lot of organic foods, I always buy organic butter. Afterall if the animal stores their toxins in their fat I want the best choice.

5. Eat Lecithin rich foods. These can help repair tissues (remember that weak and damaged connective tissues allow cellulite to show). They can also help prevent fatty deposits from rising to the surface.

Lecithin rich foods include:

· Eggs

· Apples

· Soy

· Peanuts

· Cabbage

· Broccoli

6. Eat foods that reduce (and don’t cause) inflammation. While inflammation is not the cause of cellulite less inflammation can reduce the appearance of the jiggles. Eat more veggies and plants.

7. Drink more water. It helps with circulation and lymphatic flow. Thereby helping your body to move the cellulite along.


8. Strength training is KEY

To do this effectively be sure to include exercises for the legs and butt

These can include:

-Squats (body weight, plie, dumbbell, barbell)

-Lunges (a variety of front, back and side with dumbbells)

-Hamstring work (leg curls, deadlifts, ball work)

-Floor work including fire hydrants, hamstring kick backs, leg circles, bridges)

Aerobic: faster paced interval training such as doing a 1 minute walk and then a 1 minute run, hill climbing, stair climbing machine.

9. Remove the toxins in your house.

No more Lysol, Tide, Bounce. Seriously.

Many household cleaners are loaded with hormone disrupting toxins that can affect hormones. And these, along with environmental toxins can be stored in fat or affect the way our bodies process.

10. Eat more protein

A research study published in The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that subjects who ate a diet higher in protein lost more weight for the long term and decreased their toxic load more than subjects who ate the Heart Healthy Diet over a 52 week period.

The subjects who lost the most weight and kept it off ate 4-6 meals per day with 25-35gm of protein per meal. They ate 30% protein, 45% unrefined carbs and 25% fat. The Heart Healthy diet was made up of 35% fat, 50-60% carbs and the rest protein.

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